Friday, October 19, 2012

Past Event: Sign up for October Workshop

There are still spaces in the workshop a week from tomorrow, Oct. 27, with Bobbi Finley.  Tile quilts were popular in the late nineteenth century, but they have a look that's also very contemporary. TWO fabrics are all you absolutely need -- maybe one print and one solid. (The blocks shown below require four prints and a solid.) Spend a fun day in the company of your EBHQ friends.

Bobbi has her own blog at check out some of the blocks made at workshops held by other guilds.

October 27, Saturday

Making a Tile Quilt Block - Bobbi Finley


See for details.

Will the Winners Come Forward?

Several EBHQ members were winners of awards at PIQF.  Please tell us who you are!

Email reh at sff dot net, and use the word PIQF in the subject line.  Tell me your name and the name of the award.  Thanks!

-- Rachel Holmen

Saturday, October 13, 2012

Past Event: Last 2 days of Big Quilt Show

Saturday and Sunday, Oct. 13 and 14, are the last two days of Pacific International Quilt Festival.

Several of our members have won awards for their top-quality work.  (I'm trying to get a complete list -- if you have won an award, please email with the word PIQF in the subject line, and tell me the name of the quilt and the exact name of the award.)

In addition to hundreds of vendors offering fabric, patterns, gadgets, notions, even shoes and jewelry, there are at least a dozen special quilt exhibits:  from a variety of foreign countries, on the topic of "Discovery", a fun set of quilts that exemplify "Vitamin Q" -- the invigorating quality of quiltmaking, New Quilts of Northern California, quilts featuring specific artists such as Janice Gunner, quilts based on tile patterns found in Bristol Cathedral (England), and more.  Where else can you see a quilt entitled "Gorilla My Dreams" ?

Show hours are 10-6 Saturday, and 10-5 Sunday.  If you pay for entry on Saturday, re-entry on Sunday is included.  If you can only attend on Sunday, there's a special low price.  Free parking.


 -- Rachel Holmen