Saturday, April 26, 2014

Past Event: Texture fans: there's a weaving show in Oakland today and tomorrow

The Conference of Northern California Handweavers (CNCH.ORG) is having its every-other-year conference this weekend, April 26 and 27, 2014, at the Marriott Convention Center in Oakland (roughly 12th and Broadway; easily walkable from 12th St. BART station).  I went yesterday and had fun looking at the exhibits and talking with vendors, including one that had an amazing Laotian loom on display.  Lots of fun fibers for sale, some of which might work well as embellishments for quilts.

Several vendors also offer interesting fabric dyes.

For cheap parking, try the lot at 7th and Washington Street -- $3 cash for the whole day.  (Enter the lot from 7th Street, which is one way heading .)

Click here for more details, and a $2 discount coupon.

-- Rachel Holmen

Sunday, April 06, 2014

Photos from the 2014 Voices in Cloth quilt show

I've been told there is concern that some members may not want photos of their quilts displayed here on the EBHQ blog, or on the EBHQ website.  If you had an entry in our recent show, and if it is okay for me to post photos of it, please email me with your okay (and if possible, the entry number or name):

Since the main EBHQ website has a long tradition of showing photos of MANY quilts from our past shows, I would like to see that tradition continued (although I do not post photos on the main website; the webmaster handles that).

The guild historian also likes to have photos from past shows.

-- Rachel Holmen

UPDATE:  show photos are now on the EBHQ website.