Sunday, October 30, 2016

Monday's speaker: Pati Fried

Note; there will NOT be a workshop on Monday, Oct. 31, 2016.
But we do have a speaker for our evening meeting:  Pati Fried, a longtime member of this guild.

Topic:  Modern Traditionalist

Pati says, "We will discuss the principles of modern quilt design and a how to use these as fundamental design elements to challenge your work. Being aware of these principles and design elements can act as a roadmap for venturing into new design territory."

And since Monday is Hallowe'en, guild president Joan Sextro urges everyone to some in costume.

-- Rachel Holmen

Saturday, October 29, 2016

Member Blogs

Many EBHQ members have blogs that feature their quilting.  If you have one, please email, or add a comment to this post.

Arleen Kukua -
Claire Sherman -
Pati Fried -
Ellen Wong - Shoot the Moon
Susan Dague -

Monday workshop cancelled; searching for new speaker

Jacquie Gering has had a personal emergency and has cancelled her appearances for today and Monday.   Marty and I will hold an open sewing workshop day today with a hope that we can hold a discussion on what was to have been done on Precision Lines.

There will be no open sewing workshop on Monday.

We are in the process of finding a lecturer for Monday night.

Arleen Kukua