Friday, December 21, 2018

The EBHQ Blog is shutting down

Please go to the main website, EBHQ.ORG, to stay current with quilt guild activities. Thank you. -- Rachel Holmen

Friday, March 16, 2018

Past Event: Quilt Show is This Weekend

Our quilt show, Voices in Cloth, is this weekend! Come to the Craneway. Doors open at 10 am each day, Saturday and Sunday. -- Rachel Holmen

Thursday, January 25, 2018

Past Event: January workshops replaced by POSTCARD SATURDAY

The two-day workshop scheduled for Jan 27 and 29 has been cancelled. An email sent to all registered participants says, "It is with great regret that we have to inform you that Katie Pasquini Masopust has had to cancel her workshops. Her husband in in critical condition in the hospital in Eureka and she does not want to leave his side."

BUT you can join your fellow EBHQ members for a free session on Saturday from 9 to 3 to make fabric postcards that the guild will sell at our quilt show to raise money. For more information contact Orna Pascal at

-- Rachel Holmen