Tuesday, February 16, 2016

Past Event: Rachel Clark speaks tonight at the San Francisco Quilters' Guild meeting

Rachel Clark will be the speaker tonight, Feb 16, 2016,  at the San Francisco Quilters' Guild.
See their website for directions.  Things start happening around 6:30 pm, as members arrive and snacks are shared.

Other future events of note:
The African American Quilt Guild of Oakland (AAQGO) has a family workshop as part of Black History Month: Feb 27, noon, 1801 Adeline, Oakland (at a library)

AAQGO will have a show in 2016; dates not yet known

AAQGO has a "flea market" on May 28, 2016

Freddy Moran is doing several workshops at the Cotton Patch in March (unfortunately, some conflice with EBHQ's Voices in Cloth quilt show); she will also present 2 workshops for SFQG in mid-July.

SFQG August - the alphablocks by Kevin Kosbab look cute

SFQF Sept 20 - Pixeladies workshop

SFQG Sept 24 - Thom Atkins on beading (workshop)

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