Tuesday, March 01, 2016

Marion Coleman featured in the New York Times

Marion Coleman's quilts were featured Feb. 2, 2016, in the New York Times.  It's rare for New York to even notice Oakland, California, for its contributions to the art world, and rare to see quilts discussed.

You might have to pay $1 to see the article (but the Times lets you see ten articles each month for free).  The article includes a slideshow of 8 quilts made by members of the African American Quilt Guild of Oakland, one of our sister guilds.

                                    New York Times 2016 article about Oakland quilts

(And along the way, I found this nice link for Gee's Bend quilts:  http://soulsgrowndeep.org/gees-bend-quiltmakers).

 -- Rachel Holmen

1 comment:

Rachel E. Holmen said...

Quilts in the slideshow are from these artists: Marion Coleman, Carolyn Pope, Jackie Houston, Ora Clay, Marsha Carter, Alice Beasley, Deborah Salmon, and Frances Porter.